7 Keys To Successfully Scaling Your Marketplace Business
In today’s economy, a new generation of digital marketplaces are pushing the boundaries of where marketplaces can successfully exist, driven in large part by a better understanding...

Date & Location
Aug 16, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT
Event Details
- Natasha Marshall, COO, Key.co
- Rob Mihalko, Founder & Principal, Spectus Strategy
In today’s economy, a new generation of digital marketplaces are pushing the boundaries of where marketplaces can successfully exist, driven in large part by a better understanding of the marketplace business model, maturity in infrastructure providers, and positive changes in regulatory and advocacy domains. The macro-environment for digital marketplaces is ripe for further growth. However, it’s critical for operators to understand how to efficiently scale their business in order to achieve long-term success. Join our session to learn about the 7 keys to success when it comes to efficiently scaling a marketplace business. Practical recommendations from this session can help you identify key drivers of growth, as well as areas to upgrade your capabilities and streamline business operations as your business expands.