Guide to Going Global: How TaskRabbit Navigated Diverse Market Requirements During International Expansion
January 31, 2024
Company & Presenters:
- Jeff Sakasegawa, Trust and Safety Architect at Persona
- Sidra Khan, Senior Lead, Risk, Taskrabbit
All growing marketplaces will need to expand to a new market at some point - but how do you do so effectively and efficiently without tripping over new compliance requirements or unspoken cultural norms? And then how do you do it at scale across more countries and regions?
TaskRabbit answered these questions during their own expansion across the US and then to the EU, building a global expansion playbook in the process. Hear detailed insights and lessons from their Trust and Risk leader, Sidra Khan, along with Jeff Sakasegawa of Persona and formerly Square on:
-The frameworks that marketplaces at every size can use to expand their KYC/KYB processes globally
-Country-specific nuances to consider and incorporate
-Misconceptions about going global
-Best practices for working with other teams