Countering Account Takeover with Passive Authentication: Protecting Revenue During a Recession
August 3, 2022
Company & Presenters:
- Mike Cook, VP of Fraud Suite, Socure
- Karisse Hendrick, Owner & CEO, Chargelytics Consulting
Account takeover (ATO) fraud attacks continue to be a painful marketplace problem and historically increase during market downturns. Consumers regularly change phone numbers, email, and physical addresses, but fraudsters can easily compromise credentials and redirect communications to a contact point under their control. This problem erodes the marketplace bottom line and also impacts customer trust and loyalty.
Join this upcoming webinar with industry expert Karisse Hendrick and fraud expert Mike Cook where you’ll learn:
Why existing fraud defenses have difficulty stopping fraudsters from changing email addresses and phone numbers
How to stop ATO by passively validating email and phone information during account profile changes and before sending one-time passwords (OTPs)
Best practices in optimizing the customer journey while controlling ATO